DF9IC in JN48iw
Grid locator maps: 70 - 144 - 432 - 1296 - 2320 - 3400 Click on grid square to see QSO data 10.3 GHz expected in 201?
My station - antenna - antenna in winter - antenna (8 MP, 2.4 MB) - 28 MHz antenna (for 10m contest only) Visual horizon calculated from SRTM3 data Where is DF9IC?- with the help of Google Earth and Radio Mobile I am always QRV in the NAC - see logs (last update 7.09) 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 My sporadic-E QSOs 2003-2018
Please keep 144.300 free for DX, particularly in the ES season May - July!
Why did I leave the DARC? (in German language) and I am not alone - every year another 1000 lost members I am a member of REF and of Funkamateure e. V.
Test results of 144 MHz allmode transceivers
Archive of papers and presentations (work in progress)
DARC March 2014 1296 / 2320 / 3400 MHz
1st in section 5 1296 MHz
DARC March 2010 1296 / 2320 / 3400 MHz (Call sign DL0R, OPs: DL8AAU, DF9IC)
1st in section 5 1296 MHz 1st in section 7 2320 MHz 2nd in section 9 3400 MHz
DARC June 2005 1296 MHz
DARC March 2005 1296 MHz
DX Summit 144
DX Summit 432